Saturday, March 26, 2016

Kitchen reno time ...

This is my first post and it's going to be a doozy.

I completely tore my kitchen out in February. My initial plan was to paint the cabinets, buy a nice but inexpensive counter, and new hardware and all call it a day. Yeah ... my plans changed along the way.

This is the before in all of it's yellow spotted laminate, rooster and veggie wallpaper, brown fake wood cabinets, medieval style hardware, drop ceiling, and florescent lights glory. It wasn't pretty, but it was functional. I was lucky. Lucky to have a kitchen, in a home that I own. Lucky to have the means to makeover said kitchen. But still ... it was UGLY.

It started with the hardware. I took off the knobs and filled in the holes. Then I bought the stuff to paint. The more I thought about painting the less exciting it was sounding, but I hard already started. There was no going back now.

I spent HOURS online researching cabinet paint and how to do it and there is one defining factor in all the things I read ... it takes TIME and apparently a lot of it. I had the time, just not the patience.

So I got to lookin' at new cabinets. They're costly, but for my small kitchen not nearly as costly as one would assume.

I said screw it and this happened ....

It was a mess and at this point I was starting to regret it. The fiancĂ© was not happy, but he was willing and he put me to work too. 

Let me tell you, kitchen renovations suck. They're horrible and I hate them and they're no fun. It's been a month since it was done and if you'd ask me if I'd do it again I'd say .... yes. I'm either crazy or I'm just that in love with the finish product. 

The finished product ... 

My farmhouse/industrial/vintage/new love of my life. 
Heart be still ... 
White shaker cabinets. Dark wood counters. Farmhouse sink. White subway tile. White walls. Gray stone tile. The list goes on, but it's all my dream. I'm blessed to call this kitchen mine. 

You'll have to excuse the horrible iPhone pictures. It was two am and we had just finished the backsplash, I couldn't help myself. I was exhausted and so damn proud and happy and dead tired. 

I'm not sure about you but I love to know what the price of things. I want to know if it's affordable or if it's a dream. 

Let me break it down for you. 

Cabinets - $1,400 (HomeDepot) 
Knobs - $40 (99 Cent Knobs) 
Lights - $66 (Amazon) 
Counters - $80 (HomeDepot wood and products) 
Subway backsplash - $170 (HomeDepot) 
Paint - $70 (Walmart) 
Sink $275 (HomeDepot online) 
Faucet $160 (HomeDepot online) 
Extras $300 (Extra wood, putty, nails, etc.) 

Grand total of = $2,561

It's not cheap, but in the grand scheme of kitchens thats pretty impressive if I do say so myself. 

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